Sunday, 8 December 2019


I play Maokai as a tree. It would work early maokia has the highest base attack damage in the game with the right runes and masteries it could be really good. Ulted in an 2 shots me with crits. Maokai smashes the ground, and sends an arcane shockwave forward, damaging and slowing his enemies for 2 seconds. The Spam and Self-Promotion Rule is changing: Log in or sign up in seconds. If you guys performed on stage, you'd probably have my underwear thrown at you at some point. ad carry maokai instalok

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Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. No need to start using personal insults. It knocks the player up a little bit as well as back. As someone who does this sort of thing a lot for fun in customs with friends here's how I see AD Maokai and his kit.

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Thresh and lulu are good too but with a Maokai you'd want a tank or poke support. Wow this is awesome: In my original design for the base build, the Iceborn Gauntlet was actually a Frozen Heart, and I've used it instaloi my preferred 6th item Abyssal Scepter a few times!

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Schedule for Summer Split. You get bonus percentage attack speed when you level up which acts exactly like bonus attack speed from items.

Ad carry maokai instalok

They would lose in a heart beat. He is quite beastly in 2vs2 kill lanes since he brings 2 cc, a gap closer and poke. Because his base attack speed is higher, and so runes and items are more efficient.

If you guys performed on stage, you'd probably have insstalok underwear thrown at you at some point.

Great job guys Instalok. Never had a support though Max Root first to hold people in place while you smack them as duration increases with ranks. Interesting though, I'll give it a try sometime.

ADC Maokai would be a Fighter I love these kinds of builds and videos, unfortunately you'll cadry people mimicking them in solo queue for weeks. I mean, obviously you'd want to counterpick maokal much as possible, but I'm thinking that taric would be good because taric could stun and then you would snare, allowing you to pick off single targets.

Instalok - AD Carry Maokai (Carly Rae Jepsen – Good Time PARODY) - lyrics

He does not have a knockup, its so simple. Not the best but same idea: His base lv18 ad is higher than all adc's. Lol, no it is not.

Inb4 Adc maokais in ranked. At least that's how I'd try it. So I know this isn't intended to be a real pick, but I'm just trying to picture what support would go best with him.

They have music videos very fast!


This reminds me of an oddone game where they were losing so badly as maokai that he had to stack gp10 items and then learning that maokai's animation for critting is a headbutt. His passive and ult give him great sustain even with life steal. Obviously ad maokai is a troll pick, but it's fun to try and think it through.

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While I do not believe that AD Maokai will every be viable maokau a person who expects it unlike AD Kennen, he can be a funny surprise pick since most people don't expect the damage he can do when built either AD or AP.

Every time you guys release a new song I sing it all the time until the next one comes out. Kennen provides more damage, better range, but much less utility than a Instlaok. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet.

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